An option to buy “shares” in Kvarnberget exists, it enables us in the efforts to secure this fabulous QTH for the future. Contributions from the shareholders are kept in a fund which will be used to buy Kvarnberget when the time comes (today, we have a lease until 2011). Kvarnberget is a national resource and a symbol of amateur radio in Sweden. It is also considered to be one of the best QTHs in Sweden, located close to Stockholm City. We are working on finding permanent solution to keep this mountain as a nest for radio amateurs for years to come.

Your radio club or company can also sign an agreement of use with SKØUX. This means that your members may use Kvarnberget on a primary basis at contests and Field Days together with the members of SKØUX. Your ideas on other ways to utilize this great location are encouraged: get in touch with the board at this page.

We also accept all various kinds of donations in form of money or equipment/coaxial cables etc. Please contact the board at this page.